Friday, November 22, 2013

Ugh, such a nerd :)

I'm a nerd. Most people know this about me. My husband claims to have not known before he married me; usually after I have squealed for hours about how close the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary is, or he sees that I have Captain Picard as my wallpaper on my phone or my ringtone is a score from Lord of the Rings or that I can quote Harry Potter at the drop of the sorting hat. But, he knew. I have always been this way. I was a fangirl before I even understood what that meant. I wasn't, however, always as proud and vocal about it. I hid it. I kept it to myself because let's face it, kids can be downright mean and would already pick on me about my looks so I felt I didn't need to give them any more ammo. What did they say about me, you ask? Sure, let me share my secret pain with you. No, no...I'm doing it now and you will have to suffer the consequences.

Here's a great example: A group of kids were playing on the jungle gym at school and when I wanted to join in, this kid piped up and said, "Sorry, you have freckles and your hair is a little too red." Seriously? I ignored him and continued to play. He spoke the words as if he could barely stand the taste of them in his mouth. I found out (years and years later), that it was being called what is known as a 'ginger'. If you're not sure what that means, like I was, a 'ginger' is a person with red hair. But not only that, to qualify as a 'ginger', you must also possess pale, ghost-like skin and freckles. My hair wasn't all that red, but I guess along with the other two quailifing factors, that's the category I was lumped into. So God forbid anyone also figure out what a nerd I was!

I was the kid that enjoyed being alone in her room, listening to music and reading books or writing my own. I needed social interaction as well, but an insane amount of alone time to just be in my own head. I haven't changed, by the way. Science Fiction was my absolute favorite thing to write about and also watch on television. I could write an entire book about how brilliant, amazing and bad-ass The X-files was and still is...but I digress. I owned figurines and trading cards and different books about all of my favorite geeky shows. Once the Internet was properly invented, I would get online and write and read fanfics about all of my favorite characters. And by myself, alone in my room, I could lose myself to so many other places, entire worlds even! My imagination has gotten me through a lot of things in life and I'm quite proud of it. I FINALLY grew up to accept my looks (I'm totally cool and proud if people want to think of me as being a ginger) , and my nerdy brain and now you can't stop me from getting outwardly excited about the 50th Doctor Who Anniversary. You can try, you just might accidentally get hurt.

"Never apologize for being nerdy, because underdy people never apologize for being assholes" - John Barrowman (Capt. Jack Harkness-Doctor Who and Torchwood)

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