Thursday, August 30, 2012

One Down!

Hello Everyone!!! Welcome to my first blog ever....bear with me. So, here's the sitch...I am not the most open person in the could say I'm not much of a sharer of inner most personal dreams and feelings. And I tend to be afraid of putting myself out there too much or to take any big risks. I feel that it is high time to step out of my comfort zone and this blog is only the beginning...

I have fancied myself a writer ever since I learned how to put words together to form a coherent sentence. Instead of the kid sitting up late at night to watch t.v, I was the kid with a flashlight under a blanket coming up with character analysis' and writing their stories until my hand cramped and my fingers bled. I entered every writing fair my school offered. (I wasn't as afraid of sharing my work when I was a child). The older I got, the more I became afraid of criticism, so, I kept my writing to myself...even though one of my dreams has always been to have a piece of work published. Why did I become so afraid? I still have no answer to this question...maybe I never will...but the important thing is that I have recognized this, decided I did not like it, and am taking steps towards change. This brings me to the main topic of this blog...bucket lists.

If you are not familiar with bucket lists, they are a list of things one would like to see, hear, do or accomplish before they die. So far, mine has 107 items that range anywhere from riding a jet ski to hiking the Appalachian Trail. The point is not to be rational, it is to think of any and everything you could ever want to do. So, I sat down and put pen to paper and only came up with about 10 things at first...I was discouraged. I was failing at making a bucket list! I threw my notebook and pen into a drawer with a huff and turned on the television.

About fifteen minutes into watching House Hunters International where a couple were searching for a home in the beautiful country of Italy, it hit me. I have long dreamt of visiting Italy and yet I had not put it on my bucket list.  Oh I thought of fact it was one of the first things I wanted to write down...but I interrupted myself by thinking...why even write this down? I will never be able to do this, I'm afraid of flying and will probably never have the money anyway. After realizing that I was blocking my own imagination by limiting myself to listing only the things I thought would truly be accomplishable, I wanted to punch myself in the face. You're sabotaging yourself before you even get started stupid! It was only after I was able to unblock myself and think without these limitations, that my imagination and creativity was able to burst forth. I hadn't felt that full of life since I was a kid and it was invigorating!

Throughout this blog, I will be talking about different items on my bucket list and my experiences at attempting to cross them off. So far I've completed one thing: start a blog. Until next time!

Kellie :)